If you ask a sample of 100 real estate professionals what’s the most important thing their website could do for them, we are willing to bet that over 90% of them would say “generate leads that result in actual transactions.” While we don’t have enough room in this post to tell you how to sell […]
5 Ways To Encourage Visitor Participation On Your Real Estate Blog
Creating and managing a blog website is a vital tool in your online communications repertoire. With decent graphic design elements and some how-to on writing compelling blog posts, anyone with valuable knowledge and opinions can become a great blog writer and visitors will love the website. You can not only increase your chances of achieving […]
How Do I Set Up A Blog Site?
1. Introduction: What is a Blog? 2. Define your Blog’s Purpose 3. What to Name your Blog? 4. Hosting Options 5. Different Types of Platforms 6. Which Platform is Right for You? 7. How to Create Your Blog Introduction: What is a Blog? A blog (Web Log) is essentially a website designated to one particular […]
Internet Marketing Boot Camp
With so many “expert internet marketing” blogs out there, and enough advanced topics to make anyone’s head spin, sometimes it’s best for us to take a few giant steps back and break things down on a real basic level for beginners to marketing real estate online. Let’s start with some important questions you should be […]
Using Facebook To Market Real Estate
Facebook is becoming one of the most prominent websites on the internet today. With the user base growing and the overall reach surpassing its competitors, Facebook is now a top online destination for real estate consumers and top producing agents alike. Each and every day, real estate brokerages are finding new ways to use Facebook […]
100 Real Estate Blog Posting Ideas
Having a hard time coming up with topics to blog about? We’ve got 100 of them right here for you!