Twitter can be a fantastic real estate marketing tool. It’s cost-effective and helps you maintain and build your sphere of influence. If you’re not already using Twitter, check out this guide to get started. If you’re already actively tweeting, read on to learn about four of the most useful tools to improve your Twitter real […]
LinkedIn Real Estate Marketing
As one of the most under appreciated social networks around, LinkedIn continues to quietly grow and become more useful to businesses of all sizes. Now is as good a time as any for you to learn the ins and outs of the most popular “business focused” social network so that you too can generate leads […]
Facebook Real Estate Marketing
Facebook is one of the most widely used social networks in the world. Recently reported to have over 300 million active users, Facebook is quickly becoming THE social destination for online users. With so many existing active users, and new users signing on each day, the amount of opportunity for acquiring new clients, friends and […]