The building blocks of any search marketing strategy are the keywords that you are targeting. Keywords are essential parts of your website domain name selection, SEO content pages, and sponsored search engine advertisements. Picking out what phrases you wish to establish your company and its online brand as an authority on is an important decision; […]
Lead Generation Strategies (And Plans) For Real Estate
If you ask a sample of 100 real estate professionals what’s the most important thing their website could do for them, we are willing to bet that over 90% of them would say “generate leads that result in actual transactions.” While we don’t have enough room in this post to tell you how to sell […]
Real Estate Branding Creation In Five Steps
Branding your real estate business is vitally important, but what is a real estate brand? Let’s first start by giving you some (oft-quoted) key definitions of branding: Walter Landor, one of the greats of the advertising industry, said: “Simply put, a brand is a promise. By identifying and authenticating a product or service it delivers […]
10 Real Estate Copywriting Tips For Sales
Reputable copywriting services are usually expensive. This mostly has to do with the facts that good creative writers are at a premium, and that copywriting as a trade is time-intensive by nature. If you, or someone working with you is able to write compelling sales copy for your real estate business, then that could be […]
10 Cost-Effective Internet Marketing Ideas
When the cost of Google Adwords and other forms of paid search advertising continues to rise by the day, and tying strong return-on-investment (ROI) to any marketing expense is mandatory, we think it’s time you have a few “freebies” to tap into as traffic (and potential client) streams. Enjoy these, on the house! Twitter If […]
Google Branding… Hype Yours For Higher SEO!
According to Aaron Wall of SEOBook, right now is the time to maximize your business branding as quickly as possible. According to his latest post on Google branding, Google’s natural search algorithms have shifted in a way that can’t be denied… The bottom line is that this is happening on a national level right now: […]