Twitter can be a fantastic real estate marketing tool. It’s cost-effective and helps you maintain and build your sphere of influence. If you’re not already using Twitter, check out this guide to get started. If you’re already actively tweeting, read on to learn about four of the most useful tools to improve your Twitter real […]
Facebook Real Estate Marketing
Facebook is one of the most widely used social networks in the world. Recently reported to have over 300 million active users, Facebook is quickly becoming THE social destination for online users. With so many existing active users, and new users signing on each day, the amount of opportunity for acquiring new clients, friends and […]
Top Twitter Tips for Real Estate Agents
There are so many great resources online for real estate professionals these days – especially when it comes to learning how to effectively use online marketing to increase their business. One great resource that we came across was, which specializes in FHA Loans and FHA Refinances. This resourceful site recently posted an article on […]
Social Networking for Real Estate
Remember the good old days when you could make some useful contacts, get referrals and meet prospective clients through events like your kids’ PTA meetings, dinners with neighbors or even casual lunch dates with friends? Fortunately some of these things still exist and prove to be extremely useful for gaining new clients for your real […]
Social Networking Campaign Strategies
Putting together an effective social media strategy is no easy task. There’s an extreme amount of social networks popping up all over, some offer similar features, and some offering very unique features. Taking advantage of each individual feature the network has to offer will ask for different strategies, but fundamentally each approach you take at […]
Obama Understood The Importance of Social Networking
The primary goal of social media marketing is to stimulate interaction between producer and potential consumers. Using online social networks correctly can help you achieve that goal, but the benefits to participating in them reach well beyond the preferred end result. An interesting tech article in the L.A. Times talks about the the effects of […]