If you ask a sample of 100 real estate professionals what’s the most important thing their website could do for them, we are willing to bet that over 90% of them would say “generate leads that result in actual transactions.” While we don’t have enough room in this post to tell you how to sell […]
10 Cost-Effective Internet Marketing Ideas
When the cost of Google Adwords and other forms of paid search advertising continues to rise by the day, and tying strong return-on-investment (ROI) to any marketing expense is mandatory, we think it’s time you have a few “freebies” to tap into as traffic (and potential client) streams. Enjoy these, on the house! Twitter If […]
Internet Marketing Boot Camp
With so many “expert internet marketing” blogs out there, and enough advanced topics to make anyone’s head spin, sometimes it’s best for us to take a few giant steps back and break things down on a real basic level for beginners to marketing real estate online. Let’s start with some important questions you should be […]