This header may sound like a rhetorical question, but for many website owners the answer is NO. Real Estate websites have a harder time then most to get high quality rankings. There is a couple of reasons for this but the primary answer is visitors to these sites aren’t necessarily looking for information on the community but looking for listings and featured properties. Therefore, as a whole Real Estate websites are more image then content driven. Look at your own website. I am willing to bet good money your featured properties and MLS link is featured prominently on the site and the only real content on your site is information about yourself and maybe a few sentences on the communities you serve. Owners are serving the needs of visitors but not the search engines. The real challenge is to balance the two. Without effective and unique content you are going to have a hard time ranking in the natural results, plain and simple. If you competitors have more content and information on their site I am almost certain they will be higher in the results then you. In the popularity contest of these results, if you don’t have anything that stands out your site will forever be banished to the 10th page of the search results. I know it sounds discouraging but it really isn’t. You just have to be willing to put some work in your site or find a reputable SEO company that will write and install content for you. If you are willing to write your own content be sure to research terms and phrases that are important to your market. When you start your pages don’t go to Wikipedia or any other source to plagiarize, again you really have to do your own homework. Search engines penalize the lazy. Think about your visitors and what would interest them, but also think about the search engines and reinforce terms that are important to you. The idea isn’t to have every other word be your search term, it does have to be readable, but it is worth mentioning to have you terms placed in the header and the first couple of paragraphs. Make these terms stand out as well. Bolding and bullet points will help both for search engines and the appearance of the content. No visitor wants to read blocks of text so include images or even graphs. Make it something you would want to read and more then likely your visitors and the search engines will take notice. The bigger question is not only what to write about but also how you are positioning content on your site. If it is buried within the back pages of your site there is a much smaller chance search engine spiders are going to pick up the text. Provide links to your content write off your home page both visitors and search engines will have a much easier time reading and indexing these pages. My last piece of advice is on your home page. DO NOT NEGLECT IT. Include more then just a “Welcome” paragraph. The home page is the first thing visitors and search engines usually see. Adding a few paragraphs about the areas you serve and reference to your search terms is going to go a long way in the natural results, but take it a step further and link these phrases to the pages of content you wrote about these terms. It reinforces your content and makes it easier for search engine spiders to index your pages and sites. Everyone likes images and something pretty, but unless your site is balanced with content, all aesthetics are lost because no one is going to be able to find your site. See you in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page).