Well, kind of. Allow me to explain by asking this, who is your web hosting company? I am going to take a stab in the dark and guess….Go Daddy? Well, ok I guess it is not really a stab in the dark as "Go Daddy is the largest hostname provider in the web hosting space," according to David Sha of the Google Webmasters Tools Team. Either way, this is great news for Go Daddy customers as Google and Go Daddy have kindly come to terms to allow for Go Daddy customers to be able to access Google’s extremely useful Webmaster Tools right from the control panel in Go Daddy. This cohabilitation makes things very easy for webmasters and site owners as this obviously means one less place to log in, one less place to track site stats and of course, one less login name and password to remember. More importantly though, I believe that this will help site owners be more hands on and involved in the actual performance and tracking of their web site(s). What You Get With Google Webmaster Tools:
- See how Google views your site, researching queries and links
- Repair and understand certain site problems
- Share useful information and data with Google to inevitably increase the exposure of your site in the search engines
If you are not using these site analysis tools on a consistent basis, then it is highly recommended that you start. And, if you are a Go Daddy customer than there is now no excuse as to why you are not. These tools are informative, resourceful, educational and best of all – Free! In addition, they are very easy to use. And, if for any reason you need help understanding or using these tools, than Google, as always, maintains a very good resource for its users who need help in the form of support and multiple discussion groups. We are always more than happy to help as well or at the very least lead you in the right direction.