A funny thing happened this morning. While driving into the office, sitting in the usual traffic, a billboard caught my eye. It was more than just a billboard, more like a giant TV screen usually reserved for sports arenas and concerts. Every ten seconds or so a new ad appeared advertising the new Rambo film, Dodger Season Tickets, even the newest Mexican Riviera Resort destination. It was the Mexican beach resort that resonated with me. While the other ads showed a single image and a tag line the vacation spot was a call to action. “Sitting in traffic? Don’t you want to get away? Mexico, more than a vacation it is a way of life.” That sold it for me. This morning, sitting in traffic, there was nothing more I wanted to do then get away and sit by the beach. How does all of this relate to internet marketing and real estate? Simple – Know when and how to target your audience. In times like these where news articles about the housing market crunch seems to be a daily topic there is a clear upside. There are more opportunities and choices for the home buyer then ever before. When you throw out the largest net possible you miss opportunities that can only be converted by purposefully targeting and advertising to those buyers needs. Sure, everyone wants to buy a home a sometime, but give me a better reason then that. I wouldn’t have thought to take a vacation to Mexico if they hadn’t caught me sitting on the highway wishing for something else. The same goes for a home buyer. Define your audience, target them selectively, captivate them once on your site, offer them something better, and finally give them a call to action. -See you on the beach