In today’s digital real estate world, people are used to gathering information as fast as possible. The old saying “Time is Money” has never been more true. We don’t have time to sit and watch commercials so we DVR the shows we love, and who gets home for the six o’clock news these days, we simply surf the web for the latest breaking news, and weather reports. With the real estate industry’s current state, all realtors should be looking for new and improved methods for getting their properties seen fast and effectively. Realtors need to move their properties and move them fast. Real estate videos are a great way to increase visibility on the web for your company, brand and individual properties.
You only have a short period of time to grab your target market’s attention and you need to keep it short and sweet. Your real estate video should not be longer than 2-3 minutes for a single-family home, condo, and townhome. As for large residential communities and commercial properties, your video should not be longer than 5 minutes.
Here are the mandatory items you need for an effective real estate video:
- Well-written script that clearly describes the property’s marketable features
- Quality company logo helps build your brand image
- Clear voiceover that relates to your target market, perhaps the realtor, stating the features of the property and surrounding community
- Quality video footage is imperative, HD if possible
- Video footage of clean, decorated rooms of the property
- Video footage of key community features
- Still imagery taken by a quality photographer can substitute for video footage in some cases
- Clean text graphics stating the key features of the property and surrounding community
- Subtle music that relates to your target market
- End graphic with realtor contact information
- Quality video compression for the web
Make your real estate video work for you!
There are endless possibilities to utilize the versatility of your real estate video.
Here are some suggestions:
- Post them to your Home Page.
- Have your real estate video playing in the background of the property you are showing
- Have The Design People’s Internet Marketing Department post them on a PPC campaign with
- Email blast the file to prospective clients
- You can even attach the video to the MLS#.
- Post on Google video, You Tube, Yahoo video,, WelcomeMat, Metacafe, Revver, and Daily Motion.
By posting your real estate video, optimized images and PPC text ads on you can be the first to have your property seen in more ways than your competitor. Be creative, and really look for ways to utilize all your resources; (i.e. constantly add relevant copy to your website, post your videos to your homepage, sign up for online social networks and get involved with your community). A visual component on your website will stimulate your target market and produce greater leads for your properties.