If you are spending even just $100 dollars a month on Pay-Per-Click advertising, then you have a vested interest in finding ways to optimize your campaign and save money. Small tweaks to your website or your text ads can totally improve results. The best way to make changes and revisions to your campaign is through A-B, or Spilt Testing. This is actually a method refined in the direct mail industry, but as the name suggests, split testing means testing different elements of an otherwise identical campaign. send them the same amount of traffic, and then track the results to see which converts better. Some key components to test:
- Making The Buttons Bigger
- Change The Font Size
- Reduce The Columns
- Use Dynamic content On The Landing Page
Split testing does take time and ultimately requires good analysis to be effective. You’re going to need to watch the numbers of clicks, where those clicks are happening on the page, and how those clicks relate to the overall conversions. As a seasoned veteran of this industry, I’ve been surprised time and again at the extent to which different ads that I thought would have been homeruns have had drastically different and lower conversion rates against other copy and content. That’s why it’s important to take the guess work out of your marketing efforts and employ split testing to your Pay-Per-Click campaigns.