Using video in today’s web 2.0 world to market realtor services and property listings
I wanted to touch upon an area of the web and of search engine functionality that is experiencing rapid growth right now, and that area is in the integration of video. As bandwidth and compression and editing tools become more commonplace and refined, video is now the biggest growth sectors in content online. Have you heard of a little website named YouTube? As the YouTube revolution continues to take over, other mediums suck as Pay-Per-Click could face serious pressure in delivering solid impressions and results, especially. Let’s take a look at where video online is at right now in the real estate industry, and hopefully spark a conversation on what is coming around the corner.
Posting Video to the Internet
This is where the YouTube revolution is currently taking hold. Whether posted to a Web 2.0 community like YouTube, or placed elsewhere on the web or on your website, putting video online has many applications. Obviously, you can describe your company or property listings in a more visual and 3-dimentional way than static, or even flash animation way. You can also describe in a personalized way, what that community is like, from one-on-one interviews with residents, to local video footage of town attractions, video again allows for more targeted, promotional, and persuasive content.
Video Podcasting
Video podcasting differs from YouTube and the like in that the content can be delivered and received on a regular basis. The beauty of syndicating the video is in the automation and wide net you can cast out there with your video content. Podcast video feed could be customized from the agent or office feeds to match a subscriber’s property search needs. Just as in audio podcasting, individuals can create monthly, or otherwise market trend reports. RSS and syndication programming is also part of the coming revolution of the world wide web and portable, hand-held devices. Sunday Open House listings sent directly to subscriber’s cell phones?
Whatever the ultimate direction, you can bet that video is going to be a huge component of whatever web 3.0 entails, and the real estate industry should be especially aware of this emerging medium!