In an industry that continues to shift its focus from a grass roots mediums towards a highly driven media integrated approach, captivating the right audience continues to be an evolving concept. Consequently, these advertisements are geared towards targeted audiences, looking to captivate this audience. The other involves creating an advertising campaign, “calling/inviting” the visitor to
Network With LinkedIn
If you aren’t familiar with the social networking site called LinkedIn, then you should definitely go over there and set up a free profile. It’s a fast and easy way to get your name to rank in the top ten on the search engines (unless your name is Joe Smith), and to network with other
The Real Estate Blog Writing Cycle
Plan, Pay Attention, Post, Participate, Probe, Prepare, Please, Partner
Plan: Without a designated plan at hand, the subsequent writing will not provide the beneficial effects. Although providing supplemental content may contain some useful information, the lack of a developed strategic plan can reveal a lot. Specifically, it the entire process can determine
Using Video to Market Real Estate Services
Using video in today’s web 2.0 world to market realtor services and property listings
I wanted to touch upon an area of the web and of search engine functionality that is experiencing rapid growth right now, and that area is in the integration of video. As bandwidth and compression and editing
Text Link Ads – Why They Don’t Work For Real Estate Marketing
There’s a site called Text Link Ads which very aggressively markets their services on SEO/SEM websites and blogs. Their service involves placing text links on sites with a high search volume and Google PageRank for you. The intended result is that Google and the the other search engines will
Optimize URLs On Your Real Estate Website
Here’s some advice that will hopefully set you on the path of greater search engine visibility and effectiveness. I want to address that very first piece of the website, the actual webpage name, or URL. This small key and component is something that deserves focus, because it can help or hinder your effectiveness and visibility